Run Norwich 2024 results
Check out results from Run Norwich 2024!
Run Norwich provides many ways to connect your business with the local community of Norfolk and beyond.
Voted the best 10K race in the UK* and attracting over 8,500 entrants, we are the highest-profile mass running event in Norfolk. With packages ranging from £5k to £20k, here’s why our partners choose to support us:
To find out more about how to support us, please contact [email protected]
Connect your business with the local community of Norfolk and beyond, in our 10th anniversary year.
In addition, the Community Sports Foundation has further reach and engagement on its own social media channels.
The Community Sports Foundation supports thousands of people every year achieve their goals through sport, supporting some of the most disadvantaged, disabled and talented people across Norfolk.
All our funding comes from partners, sponsors, grants and fundraising. Without your support we would no longer be able to help:
As a Run Norwich partner, you will have access to our network of local and national businesses all of whom are passionate about investing in the local community to help support others.
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